13 April, 2016
Tribunal appointments for Ampersand junior
Ampersand advocate Susanne Tanner has been appointed as a Chairperson (Legal Member) on two Scottish tribunals – The Homeowner Housing Panel (hohp) and the Private Rented Housing Panel (prhp).
The Home Owner Housing Panel
The HOHP allows homeowners to challenge whether a property factor has carried out his or her duties or complied with the Property Factors’ Code of Conduct. Where there has been a failure, an Order is put in place requiring the factor either to take certain action or make a payment. Failure to comply is a criminal offence.
The Private Rented Housing Panel
The PRHP ensures fair rents for tenants and landlords, and ensure that private rented accommodation meets the Repairing Standard. A committee can inspect the property in question and hold a hearing. Or, if both parties agree, a mediation service can be offered, settling disputes less formally. Local authorities can also make third party applications to the tribunal.
Both tribunals will transfer into of the Housing and Property Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal, as part of the ongoing reforms to the tribunal system in Scotland.
Susanne takes on these part-time roles along side her private practice.