27 May, 2024

Infected Blood Inquiry final report published

The final report of the UK wide Infected Blood Inquiry was published on Monday 20th May 2024. The Inquiry was announced in July 2017 and began its work in 2018, with public hearings taking place across the UK, including in Edinburgh in late 2019. The Inquiry investigated the circumstances in which individuals came to be infected with various viruses, including HIV and hepatitis C as a result of blood transfusions or from blood products administered in their treatment for bleeding disorders, predominantly in the 1970s and 1980s. It also examined the government response to these infections, as well as the consequences of them.

The final report can be viewed online at: https://www.infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk/reports/inquiry-report.

Ampersand’s Jamie Dawson KC acted as Senior Counsel for around 300 infected and affected core participants, including Haemophilia Scotland and the Scottish Infected Blood Forum, along with Heather Arlidge of 42 Bedford Row; Aidan O’Neill KC had acted as Senior Counsel until 2020. Ampersand’s Simon Bowie KC acted for the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and the Scottish territorial health boards, along with Barney Ross of Compass Chambers and Ampersand’s Mary Ellen Stewart. Ampersand’s Paul Reid KC acted for Professor Christopher Ludlam.

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