
Women in the Law UK Scottish Event – Wellbeing in the Law and Workplace

CPD: Cost: Free for members and students; £10 for non-members (Suggested Charity Donations of £10 to Lawcare / SAMH) Venue: Mackenzie Building, Faculty of Advocates, Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh, EH1 1QX

Ampersand’s Susanne Tanner QC is co-hosting the Women in the Law UK Scottish conversation on Wellbeing in Work/Life.

The distinguished and experienced panel of speakers will consider:

• work/life harmony
• flexible working
• finding some time for active rest and taking stock
• flexing the rules at work
• top tips for stress management
• meditation
• bringing your health goals to work
• the benefits of therapeutic counselling
• looking after others
• tips for wellbeing and mental health at work
• and more…

After the speakers contributions there will be an opportunity for Q&A, open conversation and meeting the speakers and other guests over a drinks’ reception.

Women, men, advocates, solicitors, academic, students and supporters all welcome.

Attendance at the event is free for members and students; £10 for non-members, with voluntary charitable donations to Lawcare/SAMH. Guests must pre-register online here.

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