Julian Ghosh KC

Year of Call: 1999 (Scotland) | 1993 (Eng & Wales) | 2018 (Ireland)
Silk: 2010 (Scotland) | 2006 (Eng & Wales)

0131 260 5674

Photo of Julian Ghosh KC

A fine technical thinker and a very good courtroom advocate 'he provides incisive, precise and crystal-clear advice'

Chambers & Partners UK Bar

'A very thorough advocate' who is 'very, very bright'

Chambers & Partners UK Bar

Julian Ghosh KC is a highly respected and accomplished advocate and barrister, renowned for his exceptional intellect, vast knowledge, and commanding presence in court. He has risen to the top of his field in multiple areas of law, which include corporate work and European taxation issues. Additionally, Julian specialises in Judicial Review and Administrative Law and is co-authoring the upcoming edition of Wade & Forsyth, a seminal textbook on Judicial Review. He also teaches Administrative Law at the University of Cambridge.

Julian is King’s Counsel at the Scottish Bar and Bar of England and Wales and is also called to the Bar of Ireland. He is a part-time Judge of the First-Tier and Deputy Judge of the Upper-Tier Tax Tribunals. Julian holds several prestigious academic positions, including Senior Fellow at the International Tax Centre, Leiden; Bye-fellow at Peterhouse, Cambridge; and Visiting Professor at King’s College London, where he teaches the Law of Personal Taxation.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field, Julian was awarded the title of Tax Silk of the Year at the 2021 UK Chambers Bar Awards.

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+44 (0)131 260 5674 (9am to 5pm)

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Advocates' Clerk

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Deputy Advocates' Clerk

(working days Mondays to Thursdays)

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Shawn McArthur

Deputy Advocates' Clerk


Kathryn Ferguson

Deputy Advocates' Clerk

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Bonnie McCracken

Deputy Advocates' Clerk

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Practice & Education

Practice at the Bar

Scottish Bar

  • 2010 Appointed Queen’s Counsel (QC) in Scotland
  • 1999 Called to the Scottish Bar

Bar of England and Wales

  • 2006 Appointed Queen’s Council (QC) in England and Wales
  • 1993 Called to the Bar of England and Wales

Bar of Ireland

  • 2018 Called to Bar of Ireland


  • Harris Academy, Dundee
  • University of Edinburgh
  • St Edmund Hall, Oxford
  • Revenue Bar Association
  • Chancery Bar Association
  • VAT Practitioners Group
  • London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association
  • Bar European Group
  • Co-author: Wade & Forsyth’s Administrative Law (forthcoming)
  • Author (up to December 2016) (with I L Johnson & Paul Miller): The Taxation of Loan Relationships and Derivatives
  • Author: Principles of the Internal Market and Direct Taxation (2007, Key Haven)
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