Brandon Malone called to the Bar in 2022 following thirty years’ experience as a commercial litigation solicitor, twenty of those years as a solicitor advocate.
Brandon is also Barrister authorised to practice in England and Wales, and has rights of audience before the DIFC Court, Dubai, UAE.
As a solicitor, Brandon specialised in construction and engineering law and international arbitration. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and an eminent Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He has wide ranging experience of construction, engineering, infrastructure and energy disputes.
Brandon has a particular interest in alternative dispute resolution. He regularly sits as an arbitrator in domestic, UK and international cases, and is recommended as a global leader in arbitration by Who’s Who Legal. He also sits as an adjudicator and expert determiner. He is a FIDIC Certified Adjudicator (dispute board member) and a mediator registered with RICS, IMI and CMC.
He has appeared in numerous substantive hearings in the Sheriff Court, the Outer and Inner House, and before a variety of tribunals.
Brandon also has significant experience of energy and technology disputes, and has dealt with a number of blockchain and cryptocurrency cases. He Chairs the ICCA – New York City Bar – CPR Institute Working Group on Cybersecurity in International Arbitration.
Contact our clerks
Normal business hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
+44 (0)131 260 5674 (9am to 5pm)
Alan Moffat
Advocates' Clerk
Sheena Hume
Deputy Advocates' Clerk
Shawn McArthur
Deputy Advocates' Clerk
Kathryn Ferguson
Deputy Advocates' Clerk
Bonnie McCracken
Deputy Advocates' Clerk
- LL.B University of Aberdeen 1991
- Dip. LP University of Aberdeen 1992
- LL.M (Construction Law)(with Distinction) University of Strathclyde 1999
- FCIArb 2015
- Solicitor (Scotland) 1993
- Solicitor Advocate (Civil) (Scotland) 2002
- Solicitor (England and Wales) 2017
- Solicitor Advocate (Civil) (England and Wales) 2021
- Barrister at Law (Inner Temple) 2021
- Part II Practitioner with rights to audience, DIFC Courts, Dubai UAE 2021
- Chartered Surveyor (FRICS) 2013
- RICS Accredited Mediator 2020
- FIDIC Certified Adjudicator 2021
- ICC Arbitration and ADR Committee Member
- Honorary Lecturer in Arbitration Law, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee
- Visiting Lecturer on the LLM in Construction Law course, University of Strathclyde
- Chair, ICCA – New York City Bar – CPR Institute Working Group on Cybersecurity in International Arbitration
- Chairman, Scottish Arbitration Centre, 2011 to 2022
- Lord President’s Member, Scottish Civil Justice Council, 2016 to 2022
- Chairman, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Scottish Branch, 2023 to present
- Keeping Disputes Cybersecure in the Virtual Age, Dispute Resolution Magazine, American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section · Apr 1, 2022
- Online Dispute Resolution – Theory and Practice 2nd Edition (Chapter on Smart Contracts and Blockchain), Boomjuridisch 2021
- Does a Right to a Physical Hearing Exist in International Arbitration (Scotland Chapter) ICCA Projects, 2021
- “National Report Scotland” International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, 2019 (Kluwer Law International)
- Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration (Scotland Chapter) 2018 (Juris)
- Getting the Deal Through – Arbitration Guide – Scotland 2014, 2015, 2016 Law Business Research
- Arbitration World: Institutional and Jurisdictional Comparisons (Scotland Chapter) 5th Ed. Sweet & Maxwell, September 2015, and 6th Edition, December 2018
- International Arbitration (Scotland Chapter), Chambers & Partners Publishing, 2015 and 2020
- International Centre for Energy Arbitration, Initial Report, 2015, with Professor Peter Cameron
- ‘Do we need Special Rules for Energy Disputes?’, with Professor Peter Cameron and Andrew Mackenzie, IBA Arbitration News, March 2015
- Kendall on Expert Determination, 2014, 5th Edition, Freedman and Farrell (contributed Scotland Section)
- International Bar Association Arbitration Committee Arbitration Guide for Scotland 2013, revised 2018
- “Commercial Sense” J.L.S.S. 2010, 55(12), 26-29.
- Annotations to the Building (Scotland) Act 2003, Current Law, W. Green/Sweet and Maxwell
- “New Scotland, New Danger” Cons. Law 1999, 10(9), 26-29