Susanne Tanner KC FCIArb

Year of Call: 2000
Silk: 2016

Photo of Susanne Tanner KC FCIArb

Susanne Tanner KC took Silk in 2016, having called to the Bar in 2000. She is an experienced court practitioner who is always thoroughly prepared and has superb attention to detail.

She has built up and maintained a quality practice spanning:

  • Reparation law, including personal injury and clinical negligence;
  • Criminal law, both prosecution and defence, in first instance work and appeals, including appearing in the Supreme Court, as well as a complex private prosecution application;
  • An interest in regulatory criminal matters, Health and Safety prosecutions, corporate financial crime and civil recovery proceedings;
  • Fatal Accident Inquiries and public inquiries, including an appointment as Counsel on a high profile public inquiry;
  • Property law and conveyancing;
  • Commercial law; and
  • Alternative dispute resolution, in particular arbitration, in which she holds professional qualifications and is working towards Chartered Arbitrator status. She is a Member of the Faculty Dispute Resolution Service and has been appointed as arbitrator for Motor Insurers’ Bureau cases for untraced and uninsured drivers.

She also sits as a tribunal chair in the First-tier Tribunal Housing and Property Chamber as well as the Health and Education Chamber, holds a number of academic appointments and is the Executive Editor of Green’s Scottish Education Manual.

Susanne is also a Door Tenant at Crown Office Chambers, London.


Susanne is an experienced King’s Counsel, Tribunal judge (Chair), barrister (England & Wales) and arbitrator.

She became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 2019 and is a qualified mediator.

In domestic arbitration, she is appointed via various panels (both Scotland and England), including:

  • Scottish Arbitration Centre Domestic Arbitration Panel
  • CCODR Covid-19 related commercial rent disputes;
  • Hunt ADR ABTA travel disputes;
  • Motor Insurers’ Bureau untraced and uninsured drivers’ claims;
  • CIArb Dispute Appointment Scheme for commercial disputes and
  • Faculty of Advocates Dispute Resolution Service.

She also accepts ad hoc domestic arbitral appointments, including Scottish Building Contracts Committee/RIAS.

In the field of international arbitration she has been appointed as tribunal President in ICC commercial contract disputes.

She is a global international ambassador for the Scottish Arbitration Centre, she was nominated as Scottish representative on the ICC Global Commission of Arbitration, she is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Scottish Branch, participates in the Dublin Forum on International Arbitration and regularly presents at conferences and events on legal and arbitral topics.

In her private practice, she is a member and former Stable Director of Ampersand Advocates (Scotland) and a door tenant of Crown Office Chambers (England & Wales). In her private practice, she has expertise in public law, public inquiries, independent inquiries and reviews; personal injury, clinical negligence, commercial, property and land, landlord and tenant, health and safety, and regulatory matters. She has dealt with many high profile, complex and high value matters. She is currently the Assistant Principal Crown Counsel in Scotland. She is also a part-time academic at the University of Edinburgh, in a number of subject areas.

Criminal Law (Public Law)

Criminal Law – Supreme Court

Lauchlan v HM Advocate; O’Neill v HM Advocate [2013] UKSC 36; [2013] 1 W.L.R. 1992; 2013 S.C. (U.K.S.C.) 266; 2013 S.L.T. 888
For the Crown (Respondents) as junior Counsel (with Dorothy Bain QC and Douglas Fairley QC). Two compatibility issues raised in High Court appeal from murder conviction. Part of Crown Counsel team which drafted Statement of Facts and Issues, reviewed authorities, drafted Written Submissions, prepared for and appeared at Hearing. 2 day hearing in Supreme Court. Two issues: (1) Starting point for the purposes of the “reasonable time” requirement in terms of Article 6; (2) Appearance of Judicial Bias Supreme Court. Successful for the Respondents in relation to both compatibility issues. Case remitted to HCJAC.  Lord Hope; Lord Hughes; Lord Kerr; Lord Wilson; Lord Toulson. click to view case

Criminal Law – High Court of Justiciary Appeal Court

Stewart and Convy v William Payne [2016] HCJAC 122; 2017 S.L.T. 159; 2017 S.C.L. 263; 2017 S.C.C.R. 56; 2016 G.W.D. 40-707

Bill for Criminal Letters (Private Prosecution Application).
Represented (with Dorothy Bain QC) the families of Laura Stewart and Mhairi Convy in relation to their application to privately prosecute the driver who killed their daughters when he blacked out at the wheel of his vehicle. Drafted Bill for Criminal Letters, prepared written submissions and appeared at substantive hearings.
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Various appellants v HM Advocate (sentence appeals) (2014-15)
Instructed via the Faculty Appeals Unit in sentence appeals on behalf of appellants.

Brown v HM Advocate (2014)
AD for the Crown – preparation for fresh evidence appeal, having conducted sexual offences trial in 2013

Irving and Walker v HM Advocate (2014)
AD for the Crown – Section 65 appeal. Lady Dorrian, Lord Drummond-Young (2014)

Shahid v HM Advocate (2011)
– for the Crown (with Dorothy Bain QC). “Fresh evidence“, s106(3)(a) – against conviction for murder (also conducted both trials as junior Counsel). LJG, Lord Reed, Lord Emslie (2011)
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HM Advocate v Simpson [2009] HCJAC 41; 2009 S.L.T. 513; 2009 S.C.L. 857; 2009 S.C.C.R. 554 (2009) – for the defence (with Mark Stewart QC). Appeal against sentence. Considered DuPlooy approach to sentence discounting. Lords Wheatley and Mackay of Drumadoon and Lady Cosgrove (2009).

Criminal Law – High Court Trials and substantive hearings

HMA v Pugh (2017)
AD for the Crown. Sexual offences trial. Historical abuse, rape and incest. Convicted unanimously of all charges after trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Lord Arthurson).

HMA v Jake Waldie (2017)
AD for the Crown. Sexual offences trial – s1 rape. Majority of witnesses and accused were children/vulnerable witnesses. (Edinburgh High Court)

HMA v Baxter, Kirton and Cameron (2017)
AD for the Crown. Armed robbery, multiple charges and RTA offences. Resolved by way of a plea by two accused at trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Lord Ericht)

HMA v Rehan (2016)
AD for the Crown. Sexual offences trial (3 complainers, all vulnerable witnesses). Could not start trial due to unresolvable witness and evidential problems. (Edinburgh High Court)

HMA v McLaren (2016)
AD for the Crown. Sexual offences trial – charge of rape. Evidential issues. Acquittal following defence ‘no case to answer’ submission. (Edinburgh High Court, Lady Rae)

HMA v Johnston (2016)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days) for assault with intent to rape a stranger in her own home. Accused found guilty after trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Lady Stacey) (2016)

HMA v Farrell, Kelly, Egan, Murphy and Don (2015)
For defence (5th accused). Historical sexual and physical abuse case relating to a boarding school run by the Christian brothers; multiple complainers and charges against 5 accused. Commission to take evidence from one complainer.

HMA v Glencross (2015)
AD for the Crown. Trial for attempted murder. (Aberdeen High Court, Lord Armstrong) (2015)

HMA v Mearns (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (9 days) and Evidence on Commission of a vulnerable witness (3 days). Rape/section 42 abuse of a position of trust and ancillary charges. (Edinburgh High Court, Lord Glennie)

HMA v Scougall (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (5 days). Two complainer rape/sexual offences/threats. Found guilty after trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Lady Wolffe)

HMA v Greer (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (20 days). 49 charge indictment: sexual offences (seven complainers), MDA, firearms. Edinburgh High Court (Lady Wise)

HMA v Hogg (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (5 days). Rape charges. (Edinburgh High Court, Temp Judge Johnston QC) (2014)

HMA v Keogh (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (9 days). Sexual abuse charges. Four child complainers. Evidence of child witnesses lead by CCTV link. Found guilty after trial (Edinburgh High Court; Lord Uist)

HMA v Joyce (2014)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days). Assault with intent to rape and SOSA offences. (Edinburgh High Court; Temp Judge Beckett QC)

HMA v Brown (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days). Rape. (Aberdeen High Court; Lord Stewart)

HMA v Patterson and Reid (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (12 days). Co-accused murder trial with associated charges including MDA and attempt to pervert. Found guilty after trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Temp Judge Morris)

HMA v Meldrum (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (7 days). Rape, assault, abduction element in libel; Communications Act; Attempt to pervert; previous physical assaults. Found guilty of all charges after trial. (Edinburgh High Court, Lady Wise)

HMA v Meldrum (2013)
AD for the Crown. Evidential hearing (3 days) on Devolution Minute/objection to admissibility of evidence of statements at interview where police detained for abduction/assault while having suspicion of rape. Questioned about complainer’s consent to sexual matters. Also required appropriate adult due to psychiatric problems. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Ritchie QC).

HMA v Hillhouse (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (5 days). Rape while so intoxicated incapable of consenting defence of consent. Edinburgh High Court (Temp Judge Bowen QC)

HMA v McCardle (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (5 days). Rape (historic, multiple complainers (5), incest). Trial within trial about statements/certificates. Submission NCTA re charge 1 rape/incest not being corroborated by other matters due to time/circs. Repelled. Guilty verdicts in respect of all four complainers after trial. Livingston High Court (Lord Turnbull). Conviction upheld on appeal.

HMA v Kivlin (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (3 days). Rape (1 complainer); penetration not admitted; defence of consent to other consensual sexual contact; withdrawal of consent before SI Edinburgh High Court (Temp Judge O’Grady QC)

HMA v William Brown (2013)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days). Historical sexual offences. Indecent assault/sodomy 2 male complainers. Found guilty on both charges after trial. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge O’Grady). Conviction upheld on appeal.

HMA v Singh (2012)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days). Sexual offences (2 complainers – Chg 1: assault with intent to rape; Chg 2: sexual assault). Found guilty of the assault with intent to rape after trial. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Morris)

HMA v Matthew Kerr (2012)
AD for the Crown. Trial (4 days). Attempted murder. Found guilty after trial. Glasgow High Court (Lord Boyd)

HMA v Thomas Boyle (2012)
AD for the Crown. Trial (7 days). Marital rape and domestic abuse (historical). Glasgow High Court (Tep Judge Murphy QC)

HMA v David Whyte (2012)
AD for the Crown. Trial (11 days). Attempted murder, 3 charges (3 complainers.) Found guilty after trial of all charges.  Glasgow High Court (Tep Judge O’Grady QC)

HMA v Cumming (2012)
AD for the Crown. Evidential hearing (1 day) in homicide case – psychiatric (Section 52M). Trial fixed at conclusion. Edinburgh High Court (Lord Woolman)

HMA v McCallum (2012)
AD for the Crown. Trial (2 days). Attempted murder. Edinburgh High Court (Lord Pentland)

HMA v Morris (2011)
AD for the Crown. Trial (3 days). Concerned in the supplying of drugs. Found guilty after trial. Upheld on appeal. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Dunlop QC)

HMA v Tominey (2011)
AD for the Crown. Trial. Attempted murder (3 complainers). Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Ritchie QC)

HMA v Stewart and others (2011)
AD for the Crown. Evidential Hearing (3 days). – Legality of s14 detention; fruits of the poisoned tree; tholed assize. Trial fixed after hearing. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Rae)

HMA v Bryan Young (2011)
AD for the Crown. Trial (2 days). Abduction; assault. Glasgow High Court (Temp Judge Morris)

HMA v Samuel McBeth (2011)
AD for the Crown. Trial (3 days). Firearms; culpable and reckless conduct. Found guilty after trial. Glasgow High Court (Lord Uist)

HMA v Podgornoi and Jaokovlev (2010)
For the Crown (Junior with Bruce Erroch) – co-accused murder trial (Edinburgh High Court)
HM Advocate v Simpson
For the defence (with Mark Stewart QC). Appeal against sentence. Considered DuPlooy approach

HMA v Khalid Sarwar (2010)
For the Crown (Junior with Dorothy Bain QC) – complex high profile murder trial arising out of the death of Nasim Jamil. (Glasgow High Court)

HMA v Mark McDonald (2010)
For the Defence (Junior with Mark Stewart QC) – murder trial in which the accused’s mental state of mind at the time was in issue and conflicting psychiatric evidence was lead at trial. (Perth High Court)

HMA v Ronald and others (2010)
For the Crown (Junior with Simon Di Rollo QC) – lengthy and complex conspiracy to extort trial in relation to the Da Vinci painting ‘Madonna of the Yarnwinder’. (Edinburgh High Court, Lady Dorrian.)

HMA v McGlone and others (2009/10)
For the Defence (Junior with Jamie Gilchrist QC) – acting for one of co-accused in ‘Maybury Casino’ case – charges of conspiracy to murder – successfully argued on behalf of accused Kelbie a s72 Minute regarding inadmissibility of his voluntary statement – lengthy trial. Edinburgh High Court

HMA v Milligan and others (2009)
For the Defence (Junior) – acting for one of co-accused in murder trial – one co-accused plead at trial and Milligan was acquitted. (Glasgow High Court)

HMA v James Simpson (2008-9)
For the Defence (Junior with Mark Stewart QC) – murder trial (Glasgow High Court, 2008) – found guilty of culpable homicide as a result of defence of provocation. Also instructed for respondent in Crown appeal against sentence (2009)

HMA v James Wilson (2007)
For the defence – Sheriff and Jury trial (Airdrie Sheriff Court) for historic sexual offences

HMA v Zahid and Mohammed [2004]; HMA v Shahid and others [2006]
For the Crown (Junior with Mark Stewart QC) – two high profile co-accused murder trials (Glasgow High Court) arising out of the abduction and death of Kriss Donald in Glasgow. Also instructed by Crown in relation to Shahid’s appeal, Shahid v HMA (see above)

Acting as an ad hoc Procurator Fiscal depute (2000-2002)
(Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Livingston, Airdrie Sheriff / JP courts) in numerous summary matters

Criminal – significant cases resolved without a trial

HMA v Louis McLean (2012)
AD for the Crown. Misuse of Drugs Act charges. Prepared for 6 week trial, guilty plea on first day of trial. Edinburgh High Court (Lord Tyre)

HMA v Ellis (2011)
AD for the Crown. Murder (domestic). Allocated case. Plea of guilty. Edinburgh High Court (Lord Glennie)

HMA v Hetmanski (2011)
AD for the Crown. Murder (domestic). Allocated case. Plea of guilty. Edinburgh High Court (Lord Turnbull)

Human Rights Law

Lauchlan v HM Advocate; O’Neill v HM Advocate (Supreme Court) [2013] UKSC 36; [2013] 1 W.L.R. 1992; 2013 S.C. (U.K.S.C.) 266; 2013 S.L.T. 888 (2013)
Successful for the Crown (Respondents), (in Crown Counsel team as junior Counsel with Dorothy Bain QC and Douglas Fairley QC).

Two compatibility issues raised in High Court appeal from murder conviction. Drafted Statement of Facts and Issues, reviewed authorities, drafted Written Submissions, prepared for and appeared at two day hearing in Supreme Court. Two issues: (1) Starting point for the purposes of the “reasonable time” requirement in terms of Article 6; (2) Appearance of judicial bias. Successful for the Respondents in relation to both compatibility issues. Case remitted to HCJAC.  Lord Hope; Lord Hughes; Lord Kerr; Lord Wilson; Lord Toulson
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Public Inquiries & Fatal Accident Inquiries (Administrative Law)

Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (2016)
Appointed as junior Counsel on the Inquiry (as an “Appropriate Person”) to take evidence from individual applicants to the Inquiry, many of whom were vulnerable witnesses, in relation to their experiences of abuse whilst in care in Scotland. Continued until my appointment as a QC.
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Colin Marr Fatal Accident Enquiry (2011 FAI 20; 2011 G.W.D. 14-318)
For the Crown (with Ronnie Clancy QC). Issue was whether or not the death of Colin Marr had been caused accidentally or by a named individual; prepared draft scope of evidence. Dunfermline Sheriff Court (Sheriff Principal Alistair Dunlop QC)
click to view case

Convy and Stewart Fatal Accident Inquiry – opposed motion (2015)
Instructed on behalf of the families to seek the expenses of the FAI from COPFS. Glasgow Sheriff Court (Sheriff Normand).
click to view case

Property Law and Conveyancing

Property Law and Conveyancing – Proofs and Substantive Hearings

Raven Highlands Limited v various defenders (2010-11)
For the Defenders in a number of cases concerning breaches of missives in relation to properties in the Defenders’ development. Procedure roll hearing (Jan 2011) and PBA in April 2011 (discharged).

Iain Scott and anr v Thomas Jones and anr (2007-8)
Proof (four day) relating to a boundary dispute between neighbouring residential proprietors (Falkirk Sheriff Court). Successful on behalf of the Defenders.

Property Law and Conveyancing – Advice

Advice (2015)
Advice to commercial tenant regarding assignation of a leasehold interest in commercial premises / potential breach of missives.

Iain Scott and anr v Thomas Jones and anr (2007-8)
Falkirk Sheriff Court – successful on behalf of Defenders in a Proof (4 days) relating to a boundary dispute between neighbouring proprietors

Commercial Law

Commercial Law – proofs / substantive hearings

Automatic Cooling Engineers Limited v Joseph Mitchell (Letham) Limited [17 Nov 2010 A6039/07] (2010)
Glasgow Sheriff Court Commercial Court (Sheriff Ross) – successful on behalf of Defenders in relation to defence of principal claim and counterclaim after a nine day Proof Before Answer – contractual dispute relating to supply and installation of an industrial freezer at the Defender’s business premises.

David Douglas v Glenvarigill Co Ltd and Volkswagen Group UK Ltd [2009] CSOH 17; 2009 S.C.L.R. 379; 2009 G.W.D. 6-108
Contract law / choice of law / Jurisdiction. Successful on behalf of Third Party car manufacturer at Court of Session Commercial Court procedure roll debate in relation to applicability of an England and Wales jurisdiction clause in a dealer agreement. Action for an allegedly defective vehicle. Successfully argued that Scottish courts had no jurisdiction to bring VW into an action as a third party. click to view case
Commented on in Motor Law,, July/August 2009, Vol 11, no 10

Aaron Hamish Thomson v Bank of Scotland, 17 October 2007, Inverness Sheriff Court (Pyle)
Counsel for the Bank of Scotland (defenders) in the litigation in the Sheriff courts relating to bank charges.

Appeared in numerous opposed motions, including this hearing in respect of successfully opposed application for commission and diligence for recovery of documents from the defenders.

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Commercial Law – cases resolved without a hearing

Alex Hewitt v Glenvarigill Company Limited and The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland and ors
For the Pursuer – action arising out of supply of defective high performance vehicle – resolved before procedure roll hearing

Banking and Finance Law

Aaron Hamish Thomson v Bank of Scotland, 17 October 2007, Inverness Sheriff Court (Pyle)
Counsel for the Bank of Scotland (defenders) in the litigation in the Sheriff courts relating to bank charges.

Appeared in numerous opposed motions, including this hearing in respect of a successfully opposed application for commission and diligence for recovery of documents from the defenders.
click to view case

Reparation Law, including Personal Injury and Medical/Clinical Negligence

Wells v Scotia Gas and others (2015-ongoing)
For the Pursuer. Court of Session personal injuries action arising out an accident causing an electric shock. Common law and occupiers’ liability. Proof fixed for February 2018.
McMillan v Falkirk Council (2015-16)
For the Pursuer. Court of Session damages claim for psychiatric injury caused by occupational stress. Case settled prior to Proof.

Sanderson and ors v Lanarkshire Health Board (2016)
For the defender (with Geoff Mitchell QC). Fatal claims by relatives. Case settled pre-proof.

Marshall v Forth Valley Health Board (2015-16)
For the defender (leader). Fatal claims by relatives. Case settled pre-proof.

Waller and anr v Forth Valley Health Board (2015-16)
For the defender (leader). Fatal claims by relatives. Case settled pre-proof.

Malcolm Isdale v Glendevon Off Road Centre and NHS Trust (2010)
For the Third Party NHS Trust – allegations of medical negligence arising out of injuries sustained in an accident at an off-road driving centre – settled at pre-trial meeting.

McManus v Hay (2008)
For the Defenders (Junior, with Lesley Shand QC) – Court of Session action for traumatic brain injury as a result of a road traffic accident – case settled at pre-trial meeting

Judicial Review

Convy and Stewart (2015-16)
Opinion on prospects of successfully judicially reviewing a COPFS decision not to prosecute. Ultimately lodged a Bill for Criminal Letters seeking authority for a private prosecution of the driver.

Practice Areas

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LLB (Hons), First Class Honours, University of Edinburgh, 1996

Diploma in Legal Practice, University of Edinburgh, 1997

ACIArb, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 1999

MCIArb, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 2000

FCIArb, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 2019

Additional Qualifications & Training

Diploma in Advanced Trial Skills, National Institute of Trial Advocacy, 2011

PG Cert in University Teaching, University of Edinburgh, various modules completed

‘Leading with Emotional Intelligence’ course, Certificate of Completion, Edinburgh Institute of Leadership and Management Practice, 2008

IT training on Microsoft Word, Excel, WebCT Vista and Westlaw

Professional experience, awards and appointments

Professional experience

  • Called to Bar of England and Wales – October 2019
  • Appointed Queen’s Counsel – September 2016
  • Appointed as an Advocate Depute, Crown Office, March 2011 – September 2014
  • Appointed as an Ad hoc Advocate Depute – September 2014-cont
  • Admitted to the Faculty of Advocates – July 2000
  • Solicitor, Burness, Edinburgh – August 1997 – August 1999

Faculty of Advocates’ awards

  • Lord Reid Scholar, 1999

Academic appointments

  • Lecturer, Sexual Offending and the Law (LLM), University of Edinburgh, 2015-cont
  • Tutor, Criminal Law, Delict and Evidence (LLB Ordinary), University of Edinburgh, 2016-cont
  • Lecturer, Evidence (LLB Ordinary), Edinburgh Napier University, 2006-2011 and 2015-cont
  • Tutor, Criminal Court Practice, Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (PEAT 1), University of Edinburgh, 2008-2011
  • Tutor, Civil Advocacy Skills and Civil Drafting, Professional Competence Course, University of Edinburgh, 2009-2011
  • Lecturer, Criminal Law (LLB Ordinary), Edinburgh Napier University, 2006-2008
  • Tutor, Delict (LLB Ordinary), Edinburgh Napier University, 2006-2007
  • Consultant, author of legal materials, examiner and lecturer, Property Management, Institute of Residential Property Managers, 2004-2016
  • Author and Examiner, Planning Law, College of Estate Management, Reading, 2003-2007
  • Tutor, Evidence (LLB Ordinary), University of Edinburgh, 1997-1999

Professional appointments

  • Appointed UK delegate on ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, November 2022
  • Chairperson (Legal Member), First-tier Tribunal Health and Education Chamber , March 2018 – cont
  • Appointed Queen’s Counsel, September 2016
  • Chairperson (Legal Member), First-tier Tribunal Property and Housing Chamber, April 2016 – cont
  • Supervisor, Work Based Learning and Bridging to Masters programmes, Edinburgh Institute of Leadership and Management Practice, 2009-2015
  • Governor, Governing Council, George Watson’s College, Edinburgh, 2010-2013
  • Assistant on the Master’s Court, Merchant Company of Edinburgh, 2010-2013
  • Ampersand Advocates Management Committee, 2014 – 2021
  • Stable Director Ampersand Advocates, 2019 – 2021
Court and Tribunal Experience
  • Supreme Court
  • Court of Session Inner House
  • Court of Session Outer House
  • High Court of Justiciary Appeal Court
  • High Court of Justiciary
  • Sheriff Court
  • Fatal Accident Inquiries
  • Public Inquiries
  • Tribunals


Executive Editor, Green’s Scottish Education Manual, Thomson Reuters/W. Green, 2014-
click to view publication

Papers & Presentations delivered

‘Recent development in Civil Evidence’, In-House for firm of Solicitors, June 2012

‘Getting the most out of your expert witness’, Ampersand CPD for Young Lawyers, 2010

‘Examination of Witnesses’, Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association Conference, 2009

Recent News