Defender successful in claim for damages arising out of stress at work

Jennifer Nicholson-White appeared for the successful defender in the case of Frame v Abellio Scotrail Ltd [2024] SC EDIN 32, a claim for damages arising out of stress at work, which was litigated in the All Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court and decided by Sheriff Nicol following a Proof in February 2024.

Here, Jenny summarises the case and discusses what can be learned from it. The full decision can be read by clicking here.


Mr Frame sought damages from his employers for a psychological injury he claimed was caused by his employers’ breach of duty, between 15 January 2018 and 1 August 2019, in respect of the manner in which they had dealt with a grievance he had raised. The Court determined that there was no foreseeable risk of injury until 31 December 2018 and that from that date “the defender, in the main, took all appropriate steps except in relation to Mr Allan writing to the pursuer in March and May 2019 to say the grievance was closed. That conduct amounted to a breach of duty on the part of the defender which created a foreseeable risk of injury applying the principles laid down in Barber.”

The Court heard evidence (which it accepted) that during the relevant period there had been multiple stressors in the pursuer’s life (including those for which he did not seek to blame his employer). The Court found (at para 33) that it was not possible to determine which of the multiple stressors, if any, caused or materially contributed to the pursuer developing the psychological injury diagnosed in 2022 and 2024 by Dr Morrison.

The only skilled witness in the case, Dr Fraser Morrison, Consultant Psychologist, instructed for the pursuer, had produced two reports in which he gave his opinion that, in January 2022 (when he first examined the pursuer) and in February 2024, the pursuer was suffering from an Adjustment Disorder. Having assessed him for the purposes of preparing his opinion and report, Dr Morrison was aware of the pursuer’s version of events with regards to the subject matter of the dispute. However, Dr Morrison had not been provided with a copy of the Record, nor certain factual documents (which were referred to at Proof) and he had not been told what the defender’s position was, prior to the Proof. In his assessment of the evidence, Sheriff Nicol said (at para 140) that Dr Morrison “had clearly not been given all the relevant material at the time of his assessments” and, in the witness box, “was being asked to offer “off the cuff” opinions on the fundamental issues in the case, which he was clearly reluctant to do.”

On causation, the Court held (see para 211) that:

“… no medical evidence is available to the court, to allow the court to conclude that the pursuer’s psychological condition is wholly or partly attributable to any breach of duty between 31 December 2018 and 1st August 2019. The medical evidence can only be relied upon to confirm that the pursuer was suffering from a Psychological injury in 2022 and 2024. It does not permit the court to form a view that the breach of duty in 2019 caused or materially contributed to the pursuer developing the Adjustment Disorder.”


This case highlights the crucial importance of properly instructing skilled witnesses (“experts”). It is a stark reminder that an expert requires to be given all the relevant information to allow that expert to form, not only an opinion which is independent and impartial but one which is fully considered and sufficiently reliable in order to assist the Court. Without reliable evidence on a key issue, such as causation in this case, a pursuer is likely to find that the Court is not in a position to find in his favour.

Failing to provide an expert with a copy of the Record, copies of key factual documents likely to be relevant at Proof and to give the witness notice of the other party’s position, runs the considerable risk of putting the expert in an unfairly precarious position at Proof. An expert who has not been afforded an opportunity to consider matters of potentially fundamental relevance prior to Proof, which he is then inevitably cross-examined on, may well depart from his original opinion in the witness box. Where the Court finds that there is an evidential lacuna on causation, in a personal injuries action, in which both the existence and cause of an injury must be proved by the pursuer, on the balance of probabilities, the claim cannot succeed.

It may also be of interest to note Sheriff Nicol’s comments (at para 201) that although the pursuer made no averments on Record that the alleged breaches of duty had “materially contributed” to his injury, such averments were not necessary as this was a Chapter 36 case where abbreviated pleadings apply. In short, he rejected the argument for the defender that, even in simplified personal injury procedure, a pursuer should plead “material contribution” if he intends to advance an esto argument that, if his injury was not solely caused by the alleged breach of duty, that breach materially contributed to it.

“Stress at work” cases are always difficult and anyone who has or is suffering from a mental health condition deserves sympathy, care and compassion. However, as Hale L.J. said in Hatton v Sutherland [2002] ICR 613, at para 22:

“…… these claims do require particular care in determination….As Simon Brown LJ pithily put it in Garrett’s case, at para 63:

Many, alas, suffer breakdowns and depressive illnesses and a significant proportion could doubtless ascribe some at least of their problems to the strains and stresses of their work situation: be it simply overworking, the tensions of difficult relationships, career prospect worries, fears or feelings of discrimination or harassment, to take just some examples. Unless, however, there was a real risk of breakdown which the claimant’s employers ought reasonably to have foreseen and which they ought properly to have averted, there can be no liability.”


UK Covid-19 Inquiry publish report on the Resilience and Preparedness of the United Kingdom

Baroness Heather Hallett has published her report today in Module 1 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry on the Resilience and Preparedness of the United Kingdom.

Ampersand had a significant number of counsel instructed for this module on behalf of various Core Participants at the 6-week hearing in London in June and July 2023. Baroness Hallett makes 10 key recommendations in her detailed report consisting of 240 pages which can be viewed on the Covid-19 Inquiry website here.


Paul Reid KC appointed Honorary Fellow at Edinburgh University School of Law

Ampersand’s Paul Reid, K.C. has been appointed as an Honorary Fellow at the Edinburgh University School of Law. His appointment is for a three-year period and begins from 1 July 2024. He will predominantly contribute to the teaching of, and research in, public law, in which Paul has particular interests in the constitutional settlement in the United Kingdom, electoral law and fundamental rights. Paul will remain in full-time practice at the Bar.

Paul Reid KC

Further details on the Law School can be found here:


Ampersand Advocates welcomes 4 new members: Louise Jardine, Kirsty Shaw, Amelia Mah and Sean White

Ampersand is delighted to welcome Louise Jardine, Kirsty Shaw, Amelia Mah and Sean White to the stable, following their call to the Bar today.

On the new members’ arrival, Stable Director Euan Mackenzie KC, said: “I am delighted to welcome Louise, Kirsty, Sean and Amelia to Ampersand. They have all demonstrated exceptional legal ability and skills before coming to the Bar and will be an asset to the Stable. I wish them all the best in their new careers as Advocates”.

Ampersand’s Practice Manager, Alan Moffat added “I am delighted to welcome our newest members of Ampersand. Their addition to our set brings the membership to 61 and the experience which each brings is a fantastic fit for Ampersand’s core areas of practice. They will be a real asset to those looking to instruct counsel. I am sure that joining Ampersand will offer them rewarding opportunities and collaborative support”.

Louise Jardine
Louise calls to the Bar after working as a solicitor for a large public sector organisation.

Louise’s practice focuses on clinical negligence and personal injury. She also has experience representing clients at public and fatal accident inquiries. Louise has experience in other areas including mental health, regulatory matters and public law. Louise has appeared in Sheriff Courts across Scotland, including the All-Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court. As a solicitor, Louise regularly dealt with cases raised in the Court of Session. She also has experience of dealing with cases in the Inner House.

During her period of devilling, Louise expanded her knowledge base further having been exposed to cases involving other areas of professional negligence, commercial law and criminal law.

Louise completed her LLB and Diploma in Professional Legal Practice at the University of Glasgow.

Kirsty Shaw
Kirsty calls to the Bar having previously worked as a solicitor at a leading commercial law firm.

Kirsty practices principally in the field of commercial disputes and has particular experience of construction project litigation. She also has considerable experience in professional liability, insolvency and property litigation. In addition, Kirsty has an interest in public and planning law and clinical negligence.

She has represented a broad range of clients in a number of complex disputes of substantial value in court and at arbitration, adjudication and mediation.

Kirsty is currently a tutor in Contract law and Unjustified Enrichment, Commercial law and Evidence at the University of Edinburgh.

Amelia Mah
Amelia calls to the Bar having trained at an international commercial law firm with a particular focus on commercial and real estate litigation. She was the recipient of the Lord Hope and Faculty scholarships whilst devilling.

In private practice, Amelia worked on large commercial disputes, including breaches of contract, procurement and group litigation. She also has experience with insurance and reinsurance matters, particularly in professional negligence defence. Amelia also practised in real estate litigation where she was involved in lease disputes, actions for payment of rent arrears and dilapidation claims.

Whilst devilling, Amelia gained further experience in a wide range of high value and complex commercial actions in the Court of Session. She has developed a particular interest in the field of intellectual property, covering trademark infringement, patent infringement and copyright infringement claims. Amelia gained considerable experience in moving for interim orders in intellectual property actions. She continues to work in the field of commercial property litigation, including disputes on access rights.

Amelia was also involved in fatal and serious clinical negligence claims for both pursuers and defenders, public law cases and public inquiries. She has experience in all levels of the Court system in Scotland from the Sheriff Court to the Inner House.

Sean White
Sean calls to the Bar having enjoyed a varied civil litigation practice as a solicitor.

He practices mainly in commercial litigation, with particular interest in construction and property disputes, commercial contracts and professional and clinical negligence.

Sean came to the Bar with already impressive representative experience, having appeared in various courts and tribunals in Scotland, where he has conducted proofs, debates and other contentious and non-contentious hearings for pursuers and defenders. He has represented businesses and individuals in a range of complex and high-value cases.

Before calling to the Bar, Sean worked as a Senior Solicitor in the commercial disputes team of a well-known Scottish firm, where he focussed principally on construction and energy sector disputes. During this time, he worked on many Court of Session litigations and gained experience in different forms of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, arbitration and adjudication.

He previously trained and worked with an Edinburgh-based litigation firm, during which time he represented clients in a range of cases, covering commercial contracts, professional and clinical negligence, personal injury, interdict and judicial review, amongst other things.

During devilling, Sean gained further experience in construction, property, professional and clinical negligence, commercial contract, company and insolvency litigation.

For further information about their practices view their profiles here:

To instruct any of them, please contact the Ampersand Clerking Team:


Ampersand Advocates welcomes Julian Ghosh KC to the Stable

Ampersand Advocates is pleased to announce the addition of Julian Ghosh KC to its ranks. With an impressive track record and extensive expertise in tax, commercial, and public law, Julian is set to further strengthen the stable’s position in these areas.

Julian Ghosh KC is a highly respected advocate and barrister, known for his exceptional intellect and vast knowledge across multiple areas of law. His expertise encompasses corporate work, European taxation issues, Judicial Review, and Administrative Law. Julian is co-authoring the upcoming edition of Wade & Forsyth, a seminal textbook on Judicial Review, and is a teacher of Administrative Law at the University of Cambridge.

Julian Ghosh KC

As King’s Counsel at the Scottish Bar and Bar of England and Wales, and a member of the Bar of Ireland, Julian brings a wealth of experience to Ampersand Advocates. He also serves as a part-time Judge of the First-Tier and Deputy Judge of the Upper-Tier Tax Tribunals.

In addition to his legal practice, Julian holds several prestigious academic positions, including Senior Fellow at the International Tax Centre, Leiden; Bye-fellow at Peterhouse, Cambridge; and Visiting Professor at King’s College London, where he teaches the Law of Personal Taxation.

Commenting on the new addition to the stable, Alan Moffat, Practice Manager at Ampersand Advocates, stated, “We are delighted to welcome Julian to the Stable. Julian is a leading Silk in tax, commercial and public law. He is a strong addition to the Stable and we look forward to working with him as he establishes a greater presence in Scotland.

Julian’s outstanding contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed. In 2021, he was awarded the title of Tax Silk of the Year at the UK Chambers Bar Awards, a testament to his expertise and dedication to his clients.

With Julian Ghosh KC joining its ranks, Ampersand Advocates is poised to continue delivering exceptional legal services to clients across Scotland and beyond.


Infected Blood Inquiry final report published

The final report of the UK wide Infected Blood Inquiry was published on Monday 20th May 2024. The Inquiry was announced in July 2017 and began its work in 2018, with public hearings taking place across the UK, including in Edinburgh in late 2019. The Inquiry investigated the circumstances in which individuals came to be infected with various viruses, including HIV and hepatitis C as a result of blood transfusions or from blood products administered in their treatment for bleeding disorders, predominantly in the 1970s and 1980s. It also examined the government response to these infections, as well as the consequences of them.

The final report can be viewed online at:

Ampersand’s Jamie Dawson KC acted as Senior Counsel for around 300 infected and affected core participants, including Haemophilia Scotland and the Scottish Infected Blood Forum, along with Heather Arlidge of 42 Bedford Row; Aidan O’Neill KC had acted as Senior Counsel until 2020. Ampersand’s Simon Bowie KC acted for the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and the Scottish territorial health boards, along with Barney Ross of Compass Chambers and Ampersand’s Mary Ellen Stewart. Ampersand’s Paul Reid KC acted for Professor Christopher Ludlam.
